Equation Of Life: How Dark Energy Defines Fate Of Civilizations

The new theoretical approach proposed by scientists from the University of Darem allows us to assess the likelihood of a reasonable life not only in our Universe, but also in possible hypothetical universes. The model is based on an idea similar to the Drake equation proposed in the 1960s by the American astronomer Frank Drake to assess the number of extraterrestrial civilizations in our Galaxy Milky Way. However, unlike the Drake equation, the new model focuses on the influence of the accelerated expansion of the universe and the speed of the formation of stars.

It is believed that the mysterious dark energy, which makes up more than two thirds of its mass, affects the expansion of the universe. The new model takes into account that the stars are necessary for the emergence of life, and the likelihood of reasonable lifestyle forms depends on the number of stars formed. Researchers studied how the various density of dark energy affect the process of forming stars, and found that the maximum probability of the appearance of life could arise with a slightly different density of dark energy than the one that is observed in our Universe.

It is interesting that the model shows that our Universe has rare characteristics that allow the existence of life, but at the same time is not where the probability of life is maximum. In the “ideal” universe where stars are formed most effectively, the density of dark energy could contribute to the formation of life to an even greater extent. This suggests that our universe with its current density of dark energy is a unique and unusual case.

Dark Energy makes the universe expand faster, which ultimately leads to balancing of gravity forces, allowing both the expansion and the formation of structures. However, in order for life to arise, stable areas are needed, where matter can gather in stars and planets and maintain stability for billions of years. Studies show that the formation of stars and the evolution of large -scale structures in the universe are connected in such a way that the optimal density of dark energy is important for the appearance of a reasonable life.

new model < /A>, financed by the European Research Council and developed jointly with scientists from the University of Edinburgh and the University of Geneva, promises to help deeper understand the conditions under which life is possible and reveal how the alternative properties of the Universe could affect the emergence of reasonable life forms.

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