Flock Project Launches Forsk Framwar Flutter

The project Flock has emerged as a fork of the User Interface development tool Flutter, created by Google under the Google BSD license. The initiative for this fork came from Matt Carroll, a former Google employee who was previously part of the Flutter developers team. The primary reason behind the creation of the fork was cited as the insufficient resources allocated by Google to the project.

In 2023, the expansion of the main team of Flutter developers was halted, followed by employee layoffs in 2024. The founders of Flock, who still remain at Google but are involved in the project through outsourcing, feel that the resources allocated are insufficient for the project’s full development. As a result, the lack of developers for Flutter has led to a shift in priorities and a slowdown in framework development for desktop platforms.

Flock aims to coexist with the main Flutter project, positioning itself as “Flutter+” by addressing errors and demands not being addressed by the main Flutter team at Google. The objective of the project is to accelerate development and resource expansion by involving a community not directly affiliated with Google. Currently, the Flock repository is in complete alignment with Flutter.

Challenges in direct collaboration with Flutter’s main team include delays in reviewing third-party changes, extensive time spent on approvals, and a lack of understanding of application developers’ issues. Flock is seen as a solution for experienced Flutter developers to quickly address issues and introduce innovations without relying on the response from the main Flutter team.

On the other hand, Flutter’s core team plans to incorporate changes from Flock into Flutter according to their schedule and criteria. With a large number of participants expected to review changes in Flock, this transfer of changes is anticipated to enhance the quality of Flutter’s codebase. The community will benefit from more effective and flexible development standards, not limited by the main Flutter team’s capabilities.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.