SWAY 1.10 Launches with Wayland Support

After 8 months of development, the release of the composite manager SWAY 1.10 has been published. SWAY is built using the WAYLAND protocol and is compatible with the mosaic window manager i3 and panel i3bar. The project code is written in SI and distributed under the MIT license. SWAY is aimed at using Linux and FreeBSD.

SWAY allows users to place windows on the screen logically. The windows are arranged in a mesh that optimally uses screen space and enables quick manipulation of windows using only the keyboard. Compatibility with i3 is provided at the command, configuration file, and Inter-Process Communication (IPC) levels, allowing SWAY to be used as a transparent replacement for i3, using Wayland instead of x11.

For a complete user environment setup, various related components are offered such as swayidle, swaylock, mako, gram, sylurp, wf-recorder, waybar, virtboard, wl-clipboard, and Wallutils.

SWAY is evolving as a modular project built on top of the library

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.