Trinity R14.1.3 Desktop Release Delayed

Trinity Desktop Environment has announced the release of the desktop-renovation Trinity R14.1.3 . This release continues the development of the code base KDE 3.5.x and QT 3. Binary packages for distributions like Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, and others will be prepared soon.

The new release of Trinity comes with various features, including tools for managing screen parameters based on the UDEV layer, a new interface for equipment setup, a transition to a composite manager Compton-TDE, an improved network configurator, and user authentication mechanisms. Trinity also allows users to use it alongside more recent KDE releases, with support for running already installed KDE applications. It also ensures correct display of GTK program interfaces without compromising the design style.

Among the changes in this release are:

  • Initial support for Fredesktop Portals, used for access to user environments from isolated applications, including file selections and email access.
  • Introduction of a new design theme called Twin-Style-Mallory.
  • Addition of elements to the context menu to organize mosaic window layouts (Tiling).
  • Inclusion of a touchpad configuration
/Reports, release notes, official announcements.