Steam OS 3.6.19 Update Powers Steam Deck

Valve presented the stable update of the STEAM OS 3.6.19 operating system, delivered in the STEAM game console Deck. The Steam OS 3 project is based on Arch Linux, uses the Gamescope composite server on the basis of the Wayland Protocol to speed up the game, it comes with an accessible to reading the root FS, applies the atomic mechanism of updates, supports Flatpak packages, uses the Pipewire multimedia server, and provides two operating modes Interface (Steam shell and KDE Plasma desktop).

Steamos forms only for Steam Deck, but unofficial enthusiasts develop with enthusiasts assemblies steamfork and holoiso suitable for installation on ordinary computers and gaming consoles other than Steam Deck. In addition, Valve has long been promising to provide official Steamos assemblies for PCs and is working to implement support for other manufacturers.

Among the changes:

  • Synchronization with the fresh package base Arch Linux. The Linux kernel is updated to version 6.5. The Mesa package is updated to version 24.1.
  • KDE Plasma desktop is updated to version 5.27.10.
  • In the file manager, showing sketches of files with video is included in the file manager.
  • The Bluetooth Profiles of the HFP and BAP Bluetooth Profiles are added to the Bluetooth glass, as well as the data transfer speed and the Apple AirPods devices have been improved.
  • Added a mechanism for configuration which of the Bluetooth devices can derive a system from a state of sleep. By default, only game controllers can withdraw the system from the sleeping mode.
  • Input systems added supporters of ASUS ROG RAIKIRI PRO and Machenike G5 Pro, as well as the ROG ALLY game console buttons.
  • Support for the White List that determines which of the changed files in the /ETC catalog should be transferred when updating the version of the operating system. Regardless of the condition of the white list, after updating the system previously changed files are
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