China Tests Nuclear-Proof Communications System

In conditions of growing global tension and fear of a possible nuclear attack, Chinese scientists recently conducted an experiment to test the stability of their communication systems under such extreme circumstances. The goal of the experiment was to determine if these systems could survive a nuclear threat.

Chinese engineers decided to test the equipment for transmitting data by deviating from the existing military standards. This was done in order to understand how the communication systems would perform in the event of a nuclear strike. The tests were specifically designed to simulate a scenario in which China is attacked with nuclear weapons.

According to a 2024 statement by the United Nations (UN), the threat of a nuclear strike has reached levels not seen since the Cold War. UN Secretary General Antoniu Guterrish expressed concerns about the increased danger posed by new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, and emphasized the importance of resuming dialogue between nuclear powers and upholding their commitments under the nuclear weapons non-proliferation agreement.

In light of these developments, China is taking steps to prepare for potential threats, including attacks on energy facilities and the use of nuclear weapons. As a proponent of the “no first use” policy in the event of a nuclear attack, China is focused on safeguarding its critical infrastructure.

During the experiment, Chinese scientists simulated a scenario involving a nuclear explosion in the stratosphere, which would generate an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) capable of disabling electronic equipment. The standard electric field requirement for equipment to withstand such EMP is 50 kilovolts per meter, but Chinese scientists increased this value to 80 kilovolts per meter to mimic the effects of a nuclear explosion.

The results of the experiment showed that the equipment was able to endure a temporary failure and the data transfer network remained intact. Engineers from the Chinese corporation of electronic technology (CETC) played a crucial role in enhancing the protection of the equipment.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.