Scientists from the University of North Carolina and Johns Hopkins University have developed Revolutionary technology , which allows not only allows not only allows Store information in DNA molecules, but also perform various computing operations with it.
The new system, called the “Primordial engine for storage and DNA -based computing”, is able to repeatedly preserve, extract, process, wash and rewrite data. Previously, such technologies could perform only some of these tasks, but not all at the same time. Researchers have already demonstrated how their product solves simple Sudoku and chess problems.
The key to success was the use of polymeric materials, called the dendricolloids. They branch out at the micro level, forming a Nanovolon network. Such morphology creates a structure with a large surface area that allows you to place DNA molecules between nanocons without loss of data density.
Professor Albert Keung, one of the project managers, notes that the new technology can store the amount of information equivalent to a thousand laptops, in the space of the eraser at the end of the pencil. At the same time, data can be stored safely for millennia.
One of the key advantages of the system is the ability to copy DNA information directly from the surface of the material without damage to molecules. In addition, it allows you to wash the target areas of DNA and rewrite them (all the same as with a hard drive).
Professor Orlin Velev, co -author, notes the similarity of the invention with electronic devices. According to him, the KEUNGA team provided the equivalent with microcircuits, and the dendrycoloid material created by the Velev group acts as a printed circuit board.
A important role in the project was played by cooperation between various laboratories. The Adriana San Miguel team helped integrate materials into microfluid channels to control the flow of nucleic acids and reagents. Winston Timp Laboratory of Jones Hopkins University conducted nanopoic sequencing experiments, which allows you to directly read data from RNA after copying from DNA on the surface of the material.
James Taka’s team from the University of North Carolina has developed algorithms that allow you to convert data into nucleic acids and vice versa, while controlling possible errors.
Researchers hope that their work will inspire the further development of molecular calculations. Keung draws a parallel with the creation of an Eniac, the first electronic digital computer of the general purpose, which gave impetus to the development of the entire computer industry.