Slaris 11.4 SRU72 Released

Oracle Releases Solaris 11.4 SRU 72 with Major Updates

Oracle has recently unveiled the latest Support Repository Update (SRU), version 72, for Solaris 11.4. This update brings a host of significant changes and improvements to the Solaris 11.4 branch. Users can easily install the updates by running the ‘PKG Update’ command. Additionally, Oracle is offering a free edition of Solaris 11.4 CBE (Common Build Environment), which follows a continuous release model for new versions.

Key changes and updates included in the new version are:

  • System call Getumask and V/ProC // Psinfo enabled PR_UMASK
  • Libyaml library integration
  • NFS support for the Noresvport option in ‘mount’ and protocol identifier inclusion in audit logs
  • Integration of Suricata attack system support
  • Introduction of a System Account Check Service to monitor accounts (SVC:/System/Check/User)
  • Ability to use TLS for encrypting ICAP compounds used in virus scanning services
  • Expansion of maximum addressable time from 2038 to 2106 in Lastlog, UTMPX, and WTMPX
  • Default enabling of asynchronous input/output support in VHBA (Virtual SCSI HOST BUS Adapter)
  • Updates to various packages such as GNU EMACS 29.3, Golang 1.21.11, Java 8u421, Qt 6.7.0, Rust 1.78.0, Samba 4.19.6, Gnutls 3.8.4, Opensl 3.0.14, Squid 6.9, VIM 9.1.0211, xorg-server 21.1.12, Python 3.0.10, Gnome-Tweak 45.1, LUA 5.4.6, RSYNC 3.2.7, TMUX 3.4, WGET 1.24.5, WXWIDGETS 3.2.4
/Reports, release notes, official announcements.