Three is a magical number, as children were once taught in popular cartoons and fairy tales. Three heroes, three desires, three bears from the famous Russian fairy tale. In order for the stool to stand, he needs at least three legs, and to determine the triangle – three points.
The number three also implies a different score. The decimal number system is used to us, which uses 10 digits from zero to nine. The binary system, which has become the basis of the digital era, represents numbers using only two characters – 0 and 1.
But mathematicians have long been exploring the score in the triples. Consider, for example, a trinity system, or thornar, which uses three digits. Usually this is zero, unit and deuce.
Trinity number system, using the numbers 0, 1 and 2, is known for its effectiveness and was the subject of interest of mathematicians for many years. Unlike the usual decimal and binary systems, Trinity allows you to more economically represent large numbers. For example, a number that requires 42 bits in a binary system can be expressed with the help of only 27 “trets” in the Trinity. It can reduce the number of requests necessary for comparing numbers. In the binary system to determine the relationship between the two numbers requires two questions, while the Trinity system can answer in one request, which makes it more effective.
Despite these advantages, the Trinity system is not widespread. In 1840, the English inventor Thomas Fowler created the first trinich computing machine, but the further development of this direction stalled for many years. Only in 1958, the first modern Trinutic computer called “Setun” was developed in the USSR, but even this project could not change the generally accepted orientation to the binary system.
The main reason why the Trinity system did not receive wide application was that most developments in the field of computer technology and software were concentrated on binary logic, which was easier to implement.
However, in recent years, interest in trinet calculations has been revived. Scientists and engineers proposed ways to implement trinal logic based on binary equipment. For example, the development of new cybersecurity systems based on a trinich