Key Developer Suspended for Code of Conduct Violation

Renowned software engineer Tim Peters, known for developing the innovative hybrid sorting algorithm timSort, and a long-time member of the Python Core Team, has been suspended from his managing advisory role in the stering council. The suspension was a result of complaints regarding a violation of the Code of Conduct (source).

The concerns raised included participation in discussions about changes in the rules allowing the board to remove Honored Members of the Python Software Foundation, known as fellows, through internal voting without involving other members in case of a Code of Conduct violation (source). Tim Peters questioned this new rule and suggested a more detailed process in case of disagreements among voters, highlighting the importance of transparency in such decisions (source).

Tim also raised concerns about an atmosphere of fear and doubt being injected into discussions, leading to emotional reactions among participants. He mentioned concepts like reverse sexism and reverse racism, criticized outdated content like a skit from the 1970s show SNL as potentially insulting in today’s context, and highlighted the importance of addressing sensitive topics like sexual harassment and violence with caution to avoid triggering negative reactions from survivors. He also advocated for better support for neurodivergent individuals joining the community (source).

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.