AMD Lawyers’ Demand Cuts Zluda Code, Opens CUDA

Andrzej Janik, known for its work on creating the implementation of technology cuda for gpu Intel and AMD, zluda , which allows you to perform unmodified CUDA applications on systems with GPU AMD using the stack ROCM and runtime hip (Heterogeneous -computing interface for portability). Separately, it is noted that there are no appeals related to the ZLUDA project from the NVIDIA company, which belongs to the right to CUDA technology, the developer has not received.

Initially, the Zluda project developed for the GPU Intel, but in 2022, Andrzej fired from Intel and concluded an AMD contract for the development of a compatibility layer with CUDA. At the beginning of 2024, AMD decided that the launch of CUDA applications on the GPU AMD is not of interest to business, which, under the condition of the contract, allowed the developer to open his developments. In the process of correspondence by e -mail, the developer also received a permit for publication from the representative of AMD.

6 months after the publication of the changes created during work on AMD, the lawyers of this company contacted Andrzej and made it clear that the permission previously provided during the correspondence has no legal force. Details of correspondence with amd are not given due to the non-disclosure agreement. Nevertheless, the result was that the developer was forced to remove from open access all the code created for AMD.

Andrzej does not intend to quit the project and plans to relax, based on the code that was available before the start of cooperation with AMD (the old code was designed to work with the GPU Intel). Details about the further development of the project will be presented within a few weeks. So far, it is only reported that part of the functionality will be lost, and also not destined to open some parallel projects. For example, it was planned to publish the result of work on supporting the technology nvidia gameworks , which was brought to the possibility of using the effects based on Gameworks in the game “Batman : Arkham Knight “.

Additionally, it can be noted, development tools scale

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.