Quantum Leap: Particle Physics May Revolutionize Crypto

Research in the field of quantum calculations conducted in Germany can lead to a revolution in particle physics, which will affect finances, economics, and cryptocurrency. In this regard, cryptocurrencies should consider the possibility of hiring scientists and physicists-parties.

Just as the technology industry developed due to its own achievements in engineering and innovation, cryptocurrency also grew on these principles. However, over the past 20 years, the technological sector has become increasingly focusing on fundamental sciences. Perhaps the time has come and the crypto industry should follow this example.

Large companies, such as Amazon, IBM, Google, Microsoft, and META, already have quantum calculation laboratories where the most important research in this area is conducted. For example, the implementation of temporary crystals in the quantum processor in 2021 occurred mainly in the Google laboratory. Microsoft and IBM have also made a significant contribution to the promotion of quantum technologies.

In its article dated August 2 called “Quantum superiority and resistance to errors in analogue Quantum simulators,” a group of researchers from the Quantum Optics Institute Max Planck showed the way to achieve quantum superiority over the tasks of the model of many bodies. Quantum superiority is a term denoting the ability of a quantum computer to perform tasks that a classic computer either cannot complete or performs too slowly for practical use.

German scientists simulated a quantum installation, which, according to their research, is theoretically capable of demonstrating obvious quantum superiority in the tasks of the model of many bodies. A feature of their architecture is the minimization of errors, which remains one of the main problems of quantum calculations.

Quantum superiority in the tasks of the model of many bodies can radically change the physics of particles. From cold synthesis to quantum teleportation – all this can become a reality, as humanity expands its ability to predict the behavior of particles. If we compare this with the video game “Pong,” where the movement of one ball is monitored, you can imagine how much more difficult it is to track the movement of dozens, thousands, or trillions of particles at the same time, which is the problem of the model of many bodies.

The use of particles to finance can be represented if each transaction is considered as a particle. The term “economopisics” appeared in the early 1990s and describes the merger of physics and

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