Group1 Unveils First High-Performance Potassium-Ion Battery

Group1 introduced the world’s first potassium-ion battery in the standard cylindrical format 18650. This event occurred at the 14th annual Beyond Lithium conference and can be an important step to create sustainable and economically profitable alternatives to traditional lithium-ion batteries.

The potassium-ion battery uses potassium ions instead of more common lithium ions. It has the same dimensions as the standard lithium-ion battery of format 18650: diameter 18 mm and length 65 mm.

The novelty demonstrates impressive characteristics of. The tests conducted confirmed the high durability of the battery, allowing it to withstand many charging and discharge cycles without a significant loss of capacity. This is especially important for use in electrical vehicles where the durability of the battery plays a key role.

In addition, the potassium-ion battery has a high energy intensity comparable to lithium-foxflow batteries (LFP-Lib) and provides a stable voltage of 3.7 V, which guarantees compatibility with modern electronic devices and systems.

The solution to use the 18650 format allows the new product to easily integrate into existing devices and applications, excluding the need for expensive processing. This simplifies the supply chain and increases production capacities, reducing dependence on critical minerals, such as nickel, cobalt, copper and lithium.

The Group1 potassium-ion battery, equipped with a patented Kathodic material Kristonite, can be a significant breakthrough in the battery technology. It is a viable alternative to lithium-ion and sodium-ion batteries that are faced with value and efficiency problems.

The new invention of Group1 can change various industries and contribute to the creation of a more stable environment.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.