AI-Powered Dental Robot Performs Miracles in 15 Minutes

Artificial intelligence in dentistry has reached a milestone with the completion of an entire procedure on a patient by a robotic dentist for the first time in history. Developed by Perceptive from Boston, the system utilizes a portable 3D scanner that creates a detailed model of the oral cavity, including teeth, gums, and nerves using optical coherent tomography (OCT).

Unlike traditional X-ray radiation, the OCT scanning process involves light rays to create high-resolution volumetric models. Caries can be detected automatically with an accuracy of around 90%, allowing dentists and patients to discuss necessary actions before the robot-dentist takes over the procedure planning and execution.

The robot-dentist’s initial specialization is in tooth preparation for crowns, a task that typically takes two hours and two visits with a human dentist but is completed by the robot in just 15 minutes. Testing on moving patients has shown successful results, even in challenging conditions.

With the robot-dentist requiring less space in the oral cavity than a human, the process may be more comfortable for patients. This innovation also holds promise for reducing dental chair time, enhancing patient comfort, and lowering service costs.

While awaiting FDA approval, Perceptive plans to enhance the machine’s capabilities and broaden the range of available procedures. The integration of such technology into standard dental treatment is anticipated to enhance effectiveness and accessibility in the future.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.