In the world of science, the most exciting moments occur when the results obtained do not correspond to expectations, despite all efforts. For theorists, this happens when the output results are contrary to experimentally known data, and for experimenters – when measurements refute theoretical forecasts. Such inconsistencies can either become harbingers of the scientific revolution, pointing to flaws in the fundamental foundations of science, or simply identify previously not detected errors.
Over the past fifty years, one of the main tasks in particle physics was detecting discrepancies between theory and experiment within the framework of the standard model. Particular attention was paid to the magnetic moment of Muon, a heavy and unstable relative of an electron. The experiment “ muon g-2 ” in the Fermilab laboratory showed the discrepancy between the theory and the experiment at the level of more than 4 sigma, which brings closer to To the opening standard. However, is this evidence of the new physics?
According to new theoretical calculations : It was found that the problem is the method used by most theorists. New computing techniques using Reshetic KHD (quantum chromodynamics) showed that theory and experiment are consistent, which indicates the solution of this riddle.
When particles with an electric charge move, they generate a magnetic field. If the particle rotates around another charged particle or on its axis, like an electron around a proton or earth around the sun, it acquires a magnetic moment, acting as a magnetic dipole. In quantum mechanics, particles behave as if they have an internal corner speed, or spin. If the universe were purely quantum-mechanical, the value of “g” would be exactly 2, as predicted by Dirac.
However, the value of “g” is not equal to 2 accurately, which indicates that the Universe is not described only by old quantum mechanics. The quantum theory of the field claims that not only particles, but also fields associated with fundamental forces are also quantum. An electron experiencing electromagnetic force can exchange virtual and real particles according to the quantum theory of the field.