Vanilla OS 2 Launches with Containers, Atomic Updates

After a year and a half of development, the user distribution Vanilla OS 2 has been released. Based on the DEBIAN package base, this new release goes beyond the usual rebound. The systemic environment in Vanilla OS is mounted in mode only for reading and is updated atomically, with applications launched in separate containers using a layer based on Distrobox tools. Users will find an unmodified Gnome environment, supplied in its original form by the developers. Graphic configurators are written on GTK4 using Libadwaita. The size of the ISO image is 1.62 GB.

To ensure an atomic update of the system, the project has developed the instrumentation tool called abroot. Abroot creates two identical root sections on the drive – active and passive. System updates are fully loaded and installed in the passive section, with sections changing places after reboot. Updates are automatically checked and installed in the background during minimal system load and with the necessary battery charge. The frequency of update checks can be adjusted, and the established update is activated on the next reboot. In case of any issues after an update, a rollback to the previous version is performed.

Additional applications can be installed in separate containers using the package manager APX, which allows for the installation of packages from different distributions in isolated Sandboxes. The package manager is integrated with Distrobox tools, enabling quick installation and running of any Linux distribution in a container while ensuring integration with the main system. The package format (Flatpak, Snap, or Appimage) is chosen upon the first launch.

VSO (Vanilla System Operator) tools have been developed for the system, allowing users to manage system updates, settings changes, and troubleshoot issues related to specific actions. Users also have the ability to run Android applications using Waydroid tools.

In the latest version of Vanilla OS 2, users can expect enhanced features and improved stability for a seamless user experience.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.