Minimalistic Web Browser Links 2.30 Released

Recently, the release of the minimalistic web browser Links 2.30 took place, offering support for both console and graphic modes. In console mode, users can display colors and control the mouse if the terminal supports it, such as XTERM. The graphic mode includes images and font smoothing, while also ensuring the display of tables and frames. Despite supporting the HTML 4.0 specification, Links 2.30 ignores CSS and JavaScript. Additionally, the browser features support for bookmarks, SSL/TLS, background loads, and menu system control. Performance-wise, Links consumes around 5 MB of RAM in text mode and 20 MB in graphic mode.

In the new version, changes include the use of GCC 14 for assembly, resolution of issues with window heading display based on Kwin, and the disabling of asynchronous operations with DNS on Windows to eliminate errors in Cygwin.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.