Six years have passed since the release of Automake 1.17, the latest version of the GNU Automake utilities for automatically generating make files. The new version includes changes to the am_path_python parameter, prioritizing Python 3 over Python 2. It now supports Python versions up to 3.9 and has terminated support for Python 0.x and 1.x. Python 2.0 is now the minimum version supported.
Other notable changes in Automake 1.17 focus on improving tolerance and fixing existing bugs. Some of these changes include:
- Addition of a new “Posix” option to create a special Posix assembly target for the Make utility.
- Support for systems where the behavior of the RM -f command does not follow Posix specifications.
- Allowance of using the shielded sequence “#” in variables.
- Addition of the “–aclocal-Path” flag to the ACLOCAL utility for redirecting the $aclocal_path variable.
- Inclusion of information about the system in LOG Test-suite.log for Autoreconf, Autogen, and Perl.
/Reports, release notes, official announcements.