AI Revolutionizes 2500-Year-Old Ancient Game

In 2016 Sedol , an outstanding player in his generation, suffered a decisive defeat not from a person, but from artificial intelligence. Lee Sedol beat alphago , developed by the Deepmind division of Google. This defeat has become a global sensation and a symbol that artificial intelligence enters the new era.

Having defeated the 18-fold world champion, Alphago demonstrated the ability of AI to master the abstract strategy of the game, which is considered one of the most complex board games in the world. Lee Sedol was stunned, admitting that he did not expect such perfection from the car.

This Alphago victory showed the boundless potential of AI in the development of skills, which were previously considered too complicated for cars. Soon after, Lee Sedol, making sure of the impossibility of human competition with AI in th, completed his career. He noted that artificial intelligence has changed the very essence of the game, which is more than 2.500 years.

However, Sedol did not move away from the world completely. He founded several academies to study the game and began lectures on AI, urging people to prepare in advance for the future that artificial intelligence carries. Whether he warns that AI can change human values, reducing admiration for creativity and innovation.

Alphago, created using neural networks, learned to play, analyzing millions of moves and developing new strategies. In 2015, Alphago won the three -time European champion, and then beat Sedol in five matches, winning four of them. This match attracted the attention of millions of viewers around the world, especially in China, Japan and Korea.

After this defeat, Lee Sedol was seriously worried, considering the art and expression of the player’s personality. He admitted that “the loss of AI meant the collapse of my whole world.” In his books and interviews, he often raises questions about the future of AI and its influence on society.

In recent years, AI has continued to develop at an incredible speed. Chatgpt from Openai, which can conduct conversations, almost indistinguishable from human, and Alphafold, who solved the problems of predicting the structure of proteins, demonstrate how powerful artificial intelligence can be. These achievements emphasize the importance of understanding and adaptation to technologies that form our future.

Whether Sedol is also conceived about the future of his 17-year-old daughter. In their discussions, the topic of choosing a profession often arises, which will be less affected by AI. He believes that “this is only a matter of time when AI will be present everywhere.”

Whether Sedol is a reminder of how important it is to be prepared for changes that technological progress brings. His story is not only a history of defeat, but also a warning about the need for adaptation and training in a world where artificial intelligence plays an increasing role.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.