Strongest Missing Link in Black Hole Physics Unveiled

In a groundbreaking new study, astronomer first presented undeniable evidence of an intermediate black hole in the center of globular cluster Omega Centauri. The mass of this black hole is estimated to be at least 8,200 times that of the sun. This significant discovery confirms the existence of intermediate black holes, a long-suspected phenomenon that lacked concrete evidence.

Black holes are generally categorized into two main types: those formed from the remnants of stars, and ultra-massive black holes found in the nuclei of galaxies. However, intermediate black holes, which have masses ranging from hundreds to tens of thousands times that of the sun, have remained a theoretical concept for a considerable period.

Globular clusters, dense star formations containing hundreds of thousands to millions of stars, are considered ideal locations for the search for intermediate black holes. Omega Centauri, the largest globular cluster in the Milky Way, has long been suspected to host an intermediate black hole. Situated approximately 17,000 light years away from Earth, this cluster harbors around 10 million stars.

The study utilized data from the Hubble Space Telescope collected over 20 years of observations. By analyzing the movements of over 1.4 million stars within Omega Centauri, astronomers identified seven stars exhibiting velocities exceeding plausible limits, indicating the presence of a massive black hole at the cluster’s core.

Omega Centauri is a unique cluster believed to be a remnant of a dwarf galaxy engulfed by the Milky Way. Its distinct chemical composition and motion within the galaxy can be attributed to this origin story.

The research findings highlight that monitoring the movements of stars within an accumulation can serve as evidence for the existence of a black hole. Just as the presence of ultra-massive black holes in galactic centers was confirmed by tracking stars’ movements around them, in the case of Omega Centauri, stars revealed the presence of an intermediate black hole.

This discovery is expected to prompt further investigations using data from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and other ground-based telescopes to precisely determine the characteristics of this black hole. Astronomers are looking to expand on this research in the upcoming years to gain deeper insights into the formation and evolution of black holes in the universe.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.