Firefox Proposes Built-In AI Assistant Testing

Mozilla announced Conducting experiments on integration in the Firefox of a chatbota using large language models for interaction With a user in a natural language. Chatbot testing will begin this week at night assemblies firefox.

Chatbot will be built into the side panel and will be able to work through the user’s choice through ChatGPT, Google Gemini, HugingChat and Le Chat Mistral services. In the future, they plan to expand the range of supported AI services. The user is provided with opportunities for writing text requests to the AI-Bota in the form of a chat, as well as sending a text highlighted on the viewed page to compile a brief presentation of the contents or explanation of the essence of simpler words.

To include a chatbot in the settings in the Nightly Experiment section, it is necessary to activate the Ai Chatbot Integration experiment. Sending the highlighted text of the bot is carried out through the new “ASK Chatot” element in the context menu shown when pressing the right mouse button in the selected area. To fix the chatbot in the side panel, you can use the interface to configure the contents of the panel.

If desired, instead of predetermined AI services, you can add your own service, including launched on the local system and using open large language models, to start the tools LLAMAFILE , which allows you to create universal executable files for machine learning models. The instructions for the integration of their models are promised to publish later.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.