Chinese AI Modelscope Service Speaks English

Alibaba Cloud, a cloud unit of the Chinese technological giant Alibaba, took a bold step in the international arena of artificial intelligence. The company announced the launch of English -language version of the Modelscope platform, providing the artificial intelligence model as a service. This solution marks an important milestone in the Alibaba global expansion strategy in a fast -growing market.

Modelscope, first presented in 2022, is positioned as a competitor to such well -known services as Amazon Web Services Bedrock and Microsoft Azure Openai Studio. All these platforms offer developers access to a wide range of basic AI models, simplifying their integration into applications deployed on the corresponding cloud infrastructures.

Over the two years of existence, Modelscope has achieved impressive results. According to Alibaba Cloud, more than 5 million developers have already used the platform. The service offers access to a large collection of more than 5,000 machine learning models, including Alibaba’s own development under the QWEN brand, as well as solutions from numerous Chinese startups.

Modelscope provides developers not only with a model, but also an extensive database. The platform includes more than 1,500 high -quality Chinese dates and a wide range of tools for their processing. This makes Modelscope a unique resource for specialists who are interested in creating AI applications oriented to the Chinese market or using Chinese.

The launch of the English -language version of Modelscope took place at an event in Seattle, USA. However, the meaning of this step goes far beyond America. The English version of the platform opens up new opportunities for Alibaba Cloud in other regions where English is the main language of technology and business, in particular, in Southeast Asia.

Alibaba Cloud already holds strong positions in the Asian cloud services market, holding the third place in the market share after AWS and Azure, sometimes even ahead of Google Cloud. The company is actively developing its global infrastructure, operating 89 zones of accessibility in 30 regions, of which 16 are located outside of mainland China.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.