The Debian Project has formed the sixth corrective update of the Debian 12 distribution, which includes accumulated packet updates and installer corrections. This release consists of 162 updates addressing stability issues and 84 updates addressing vulnerabilities (source).

Among the changes in Debian 12.6 are updates to fresh stable versions of Clamav, DPDK, Flatpak, NVIDIA, OPENSSL, OVN, PostgreSQL-15, QEMU, and SystemD. Several packages have been removed due to various reasons such as incompatibility or outdated features (source).

For those looking to load and install Debian 12.6 “from scratch,” the necessary assemblies are being prepared and will be available soon for download (source). Existing systems with Debian 12 installed will receive updates via the standard update installation system. Security updates are accessible through

Simultaneously, the new release of the previous stable branch, Debian 11.10, is also available. This update includes 62 stability updates and 76 vulnerability updates, with fresh stable versions of NVIDIA-Graphics-Drivers, Postfix, and PostgreSQL-13. Certain packages have been removed from this release as well (source).

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.