The brain is a soft, fatty organ of beige color, covered with grooves and protrusions. At first glance, it does not look so impressive.

But under it is hidden to 100 billion neurons and 100 trillion synapses – connections between neurons that form networks – tightly packed in a mild three-fond organ, which controls our thoughts, feelings, movements, memories and self-awareness.

Scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) presented the new Brain mapping platform, which allows for unprecedented speed and accuracy to explore the anatomy of large areas of the human brain. This innovative technology significantly reduces the time necessary for creating detailed brain cards from several weeks or months to several days.

Over the past two decades, researchers have worked on the creation of detailed cerebral maps, cutting it into the finest layers and analyzing the structure of cells, their connection and gene expression. Such cards, similar to “Google Maps” for the brain, help to understand the functions of the brain, connecting genetic expressions to cell functions, network ties and behavior.

Until recently, the main attention was paid to mapping of the brain of rodents and other animals, since the creation of a map of the human brain was an extremely complex and time-consuming task. However, the development of a new platform greatly facilitated this process.

The platform developed by the MIT team allows you to remove large sections of the human brain with high speed and permission. During the experiments, scientists used a system to create images of the patient’s brain with Alzheimer’s disease, having previously increased brain tissue with a hydrogel. The automated system cut, removed and combined images, identifying numerous cellular changes and problems with neural connections, including inflammation.

One of the key components of the new platform is a device called Megatome, which allows you to cut large and soft samples of the human brain without damage. This device vibrates at higher frequencies than standard devices, which reduces the likelihood of distortion and angular incisions, making it possible to accurately align neural connections.

After cutting, the samples are processed to make parts of the brain more visible under the microscope. Brain tissues are built into the hydrogel, which allows them to withstand mechanical pressure and maintain shape. In one of the experiments, the team cut half the human brain into 40 thick sections in

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