The FreeBSD Foundation recently published a series of reports based on discussions held at the FreeBSD Developer Summit in Canada. Various topics were covered during the summit.
One of the key discussions revolved around the integration of tools in the basic system, supply and reckoning applications on the RUST language, and the possibility of developing components of the nucleus on Rust. The integration of RUST tools is seen as a way to enhance safety due to the use of safe memory mechanisms. However, concerns were raised about the challenges of maintaining RUST tools due to the frequent release of significant changes. No concrete decisions were made in this discussion, only future prospects were evaluated. For more information, please refer to the report.
Another important topic discussed was the definitions, priorities, and plans related to Freebsd branch 15. The main goals include creating infrastructure for isolated containers, preparing official container images with FreeBSD, integrating with Kubernetes tools, improving network capabilities for containers, using ELF format for Core dumps, adding support for thematic package groups, including advanced debugging tools, enhancing testing infrastructure, and expanding hardware architecture support. For further details, you can read the full report.
Additionally, discussions were held on supporting containers in OCI format and fully porting the Runtime Containerd for FreeBSD. Efforts were also made to port Kubernetes platform components like Kubeadm and Kube-Proxy for FreeBSD to expand Kubernetes clusters. More information can be found in the report.
Developers also discussed integrating expanded tools for Ladies and Utilities Bricoler, which aim to simplify the testing and debugging processes for FreeBSD patches. Details can be found in the report.
Furthermore, there were talks about reducing the cycle of intermediate release formations. It was suggested to publish intermediate releases every 3 months instead of once a year. More information can be found in the