ETH Zurich Achieves Levitation Breakthrough in Microparticle Management

Eth Zurich researchers have demonstrated a unique platform for levitation and the movement of particles in a vacuum. In a recent article published in the journal Nature Nanotechnology, they introduced a hybrid photon-electrical chip that enables sustainable levitation, precise positioning detection, and dynamic control of particles in a vacuum.

Levitating microscopic objects in a vacuum and manipulating their movement have been known for decades, but recent advancements have significantly improved these techniques. While most experiments have relied on optical technologies, some research groups are now exploring hybrid platforms that combine atomic physics methods, offering new opportunities for measuring forces, torque, and acceleration accurately.

The researchers from Eth Zurich have demonstrated that their experimental platform not only reliably levitates particles but also accurately determines their position and dynamically controls them. According to Bruno Melo, Mark T. Coaren, and their colleagues, the ability to levitate objects in a vacuum, isolate them from the environment, and precisely manipulate them has become a versatile technique with applications in various scientific fields, including strength and thermodynamics sensors, material science, and chemistry. Additionally, it holds promise for advancing the study of quantum mechanics in unexplored macroscopic realms.

Despite recent progress, many vacuum levitation methods remain complex and require large equipment, limiting their practicality. To address this issue, some researchers are working on miniaturizing levitation platforms using electrostatic and optical traps. However, these approaches have not offered sufficient stability for compact devices like cryostats and portable gadgets.

To overcome these challenges, Mel, Coiren, and their team proposed a new hybrid photon-electrical chip that enables sustainable levitation and dynamic particle control without the need for bulky optical devices. By combining an optical fiber-based trap with precise position detection and cold damping through planar electrodes, they were able to cool the particle movement to just a few hundred phonons.

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