Oracle formed the new division of DBMS MySQL 9.0.0. The assembly of MySQL Community Server 9.0.0 is prepared for all main distributions of Linux, FreeBSD, MacOS, and Windows. As part of the release formation, MySQL 9.0 introduced last year is designated to the “Innovation” branches, which will also include the significant releases of MySQL 9.1 and 9.2. Innovation vehicles are recommended for those who want early access to new functionality, are published every 3 months, and are supported until the next significant release is published. After about a year, they plan to create a LTS release, recommended for implementations requiring predictability and long-term preservation of constant behavior. Following the LTS release, a new Innovation-View-MySQL 10.0 will be formed.
Basic changes in MySQL 9.0:
- When performing the “Explain Analyze Into” design, the output can now be maintained in JSON format to a user variable, which can be used as an argument in functions for working with JSON.
- The design of the expressions “create event”, “alter event”, and “drop event” now supports parameterized queries inside stored procedures.
- Two new system tables containing information about system variables have been added: Variables_Metadata and global_variable_attributes.
- The outdated server plugin Mysql_native_password, providing authentication using passwords, has been replaced by the Caching_Sha2_Password plugin, which uses the Sha2 algorithm instead of Sha1 for hashing.