X Window System Celebrates 40 Years, FreeBSD Hits 31

Filled 40 years since announcements Robert Schaeffler about the creation of the protocol x Window system. The path from the release of X1 to X11 has passed in only three years, after which the condition X11 stabilized and over time only overlines, but does not change its essence. Common capabilities such as XVIDEO, X Font Server, XKB, Xinerama, XCB, Multi-Pointer X, Present, DRI2, DRI3, RANDR, X Input, etc. were presented as extensions at one time. In 2011, an initiative arose to create the protocol x12, but it did not go further than the discussions. All the development of the graphic subsystem concentrated on the development of the Wayland protocol.

June 19 also is considered the birthday of the FreeBSD project, which turned 31 years old. On June 19, 1993, based on an unofficial set of patches by 386BSD, FORK 4.3BSD was created, with the aim of developing a quick, stable, and reliable OS for systems with I386 processors. When choosing a project name, options such as FreeBSD, BSDFREE86, and Free86BSD were considered. Ultimately, the preference was given to the name FreeBSD, proposed by David Greenman. In November 1993, the first release of FreeBSD 1.0 was based on 4.3BSD-Lite ‘net/2’ and 386BSD 0.1.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.