Google Accused of AI OverViews Failure

Last week, Google has launched a new search function using artificial intelligence AI OverViews for millions of users, trying to improve their search experience. However, instead, AI gave out a number of strange results, such as tips to add glue to pizza so that the cheese did not fall, and there are stones.

AI OverViews is a system based on generative AI, which not only issues links to relevant web pages, but generates direct answers to user search queries.

Google quickly removed some incorrect results, but the damage was already caused, and the memes quickly scattered over the Internet. Head of Google search engines Liz Reid explained, what is the reason for the incorrect results of steel “gaps” “And users asking unusual questions.

Reid also noted that in general, the results using AI lead to “greater satisfaction” of users. Liz Reid claims that AI overviews basically does not “hallucine”, but only sometimes incorrectly interprets the information that is already on the network.

Reed noted that the Google team noticed meaningless requests, apparently aimed at obtaining erroneous results. It is noted that many fake screenshots AI overViews.

also spread on the Internet.

Some questions, according to Liz Reid, are quite justified, for example: “Which mammal has the most bones?” If you have a small child, you probably faced such requests. However, Google activated this function for millions of users, which caused a wave of indignation and even led to the emergence of articles with instructions to turn off the innovation.

In her blog, Liz Reid also explained how Google corrects Ai OverViews, limiting the appearance of meaningless requests and satires. This is important, since many were surprised that the famous satirical site the onion (the source of the Council is stones) and the Reddit user under the nickname “F*cksmith” were not filtered in the results of AI.

Liz Rid compares Ai OverViews with a different long-standing function of the search, called Featured Snippets,

which Selects information from a relevant web page without the use of generative AI. According to Reed, the accuracy of FeatUred Snippets is comparable to AI overViews.

Example featured snippet

ultimately the introduction of AI OverViews was another mistake of the Google PR department. Meanwhile, Google is trying to compete with Openai and startups in the field of AI -based, such as perplexity, which is already estimated at $ 3 billion. If Google wants to remain competitive, he needs to move quickly. But at the same time it is important to maintain user trust.

innovations struck the creators of the content – the same audience that, according to Google, the company seeks to promote in the search. A number of popular resources were on the verge of extinction.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.