Quantum Confusion Fuels Future Engines & Computers

Researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences have achieved a significant breakthrough in utilizing the mysterious phenomenon of quantum confusion in quantum physics. They successfully implemented a quantum engine that utilizes confusing states as “fuel” to enhance the efficiency of energy transformation.

Unlike traditional heat engines, quantum engines utilize lasers to switch particles between quantum states, converting light into kinetic energy. The unique property of confusion, where separated particles remain closely connected regardless of distance, enables a more efficient transformation process.

Zhou Fay, one of the authors of the study, highlighted the importance of the first experimental implementation of a quantum engine using confusing states. They demonstrated quantitatively that confusion can indeed act as a form of fuel for energy transformation.

In their experiments, researchers used soured-up calcium-40 ions held in an ion trap. By developing a thermodynamic cycle that converts external laser energy into vibrational energy through precise adjustment of frequency, amplitude, and duration of laser pulses, they conducted over 10,000 experiments.

Published on April 30 in Physical Review Letters, the study’s results pave the way for the development of microenergy devices like quantum engines and batteries. The unique properties of confusing substances enable the extraction of maximum energy.

Zhou Fei noted that while quantum batteries may have lower capacity compared to electric vehicles, their main advantage lies in their ability to power large-scale quantum computers and other systems. Feng Man, another colleague, emphasized the need to increase the number of confusing particles without compromising coherence to boost output capacity.

According to calculations, quantum engines have the potential to surpass classical thermodynamic limitations and achieve energy transformation efficiency of over 25%, which is adequate for powering large-scale quantum computing systems.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.