New NXS-BACKUP 3.7.0 System Released

Recently, the release of the backup tools nxs-backup 3.7.0 was announced. This tool enables users to create backups, rotate them, and save them on local or external storage facilities. It also supports creating backups of various DBMSs such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, MONGODB, and REDIS. The project code can be accessed on GitHub under the Apache 2.0 license.

Backup copies can be stored locally or remotely using storages like S3, FTP, SSH, SMB, NFS, or WebDAV. The tool utilizes various libraries to work with these storage options. The GO-NXS-AppCTX mini-framework allows for the use of environment variables in configuration. Users can schedule backups for specific time periods or maintain a set number of backups. Additionally, the tool offers self-renewal functionality and the ability to enhance features through user scripts.

The new version of nxs-backup includes the following updates:

  • Changed project code license to Apache 2.0 from the previous GPLv3 license.
  • Integration with monitoring for obtaining application metrics and status. Users can now receive information on metrics such as backup file size, gear collection accuracy, backup collection time, delivery accuracy of backups, backup delivery time, and availability of new versions.
  • For metric differentiation, users can refer to the documentation.
/Reports, release notes, official announcements.