Fintech Faces New Attack Trends at App Level

According to the Qrator Labs report, despite reducing the total number of application-level attacks by 22% in the first quarter of 2024, they still pose a serious threat to businesses. This is particularly concerning for the financial and technological sector (fintech), which remains the primary target of cyber criminals, accounting for 54% of all recorded incidents.

Within the fintech industry, banks were identified as the most vulnerable link, with nearly 30% of the L7 level attacks targeting them. Payment systems and insurance companies also experienced a significant number of threats, with 9.8% and 8.71% respectively.

The banking segment saw the highest intensity of attacks in the first quarter of the year. One of the attacks in this sector reached a peak frequency of 220 thousand requests per second, making it the leader in terms of requests per second (RPS). Additionally, an attack in the same segment utilized a record number of devices – 243,879, and the longest continuous attack lasted 21 hours.

Due to the rapid growth and strategic importance of the financial technology sector, it has become an enticing target for cyber criminals. Each year, attack methods become more sophisticated and targeted, necessitating enhanced security measures.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.