KDE Boosts Cache Efficiency & GPU Cursor Speed

Nate Graham, a developer involved in quality control in the KDE project, recently published another report on the KDE development progress. Some of the notable changes include:

  • In the upcoming KDE Plasma 6.1 release on June 18, a change has been implemented to significantly speed up work with the contents of the ~/.cache directory. This optimization resolves issues related to hanging desktop effects on systems with slow disks.
  • Additionally, in the 6.1 branch, a fix has been introduced to address high load on the Kwin composite server when certain synchronization modes are enabled in a widget for working with an exchange buffer.
  • The upcoming code base for branch 6.2 will have default support for hardware acceleration of cursor drawing on systems with Intel GPUs. This feature has been enabled.
  • A Breeze-style implementation for movable dividers in QML programs has been integrated, allowing for the creation of side panels with variable sizes.
  • On NVIDIA GPU systems using x11, error warnings have been added in the panel tuning dialog to prevent hanging when moving or resizing windows in specific scenarios.
  • Support for webauth authentication based on SAML has been included in the network connection widget. It is now also possible to move QR code annotations as images.
  • System state monitoring now provides information on CPU, memory, and input/output through /proc/Pressure/. This feature has been
/Reports, release notes, official announcements.