Developers from Red Hat proceeded to form Centos Stream 10 and created repository with packages certified by digital signature. The presented branch is used to develop the future significant release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 10. Centos Stream allows access to the capabilities of the future RHEL branch, but it includes not completely stabilized packages. Builds Centos Stream 10 are formed for architectures x86_64, AARCH64, PPC64le, and S390X in the form of installation iso-files and images for isolated containers.

In accordance with the new policy of Red Hat, the Repository of Centos Stream is the only publicly affordable source of initial packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Centos Stream can be considered as an upstream project for RHEL, acting as the basis for its development. With the help of Centos Stream, third-party participants from the community can take part in the development of the new RHEL branch, control the preparation of packages for RHEL, offer their changes, and influence the decisions made.

Prior to the creation of Centos Stream, a snapshot of one of the Fedora issues was used as the basis for the new RHEL branch, which was finalized and stabilized behind closed doors, without the ability to control the course of development and decisions made. The new development process implies the removal of the previously closed stage of RHEL in Centos Stream – based on the community’s snapshot, the new branch of Centos Stream is formed, after which RHEL will be picked up on the basis of Centos Stream.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.