Issue DBMS Mariadb 11.4.2 has been published, marking the first stable release of the branch 11.4. The Mariadb 11.4 branch falls under the category of issues with long-term support and will be supported for at least 5 years. Simultaneously, Mariadb 11.5.1 has been released as a candidate for releases and has initiated branch 11.6 for the development of new functionality. You can read more about this on Mariadb’s website.

The Mariadb project is evolved from MySQL and maintains backward compatibility while integrating additional storage and enhanced capabilities. The development of Mariadb is overseen by the Mariadb Foundation, an independent organization that follows an open and transparent development process. Mariadb is frequently used in place of MySQL in various Linux distributions and is also utilized in prominent projects like Wikipedia, Google Cloud SQL, and NI mbuzz.

Some of the key changes in the Mariadb 11.4 branch compared to the previous LTS release 10.11 include:

  • The query optimizer has undergone significant enhancements by transitioning to a new weight model (Cost Model), leading to more accurate prediction of the scale of each query plan. The new model eliminates drawbacks of the previous model related to operations like table scan, index scanning, or range sampling. This update also allows for the use of indexes for operations like “Order by/Group by” in subqueries and speeds up performance with small tables.
  • Update and Delete operations on a single table have been substantially accelerated.
  • Request optimization has been improved when Date and Year functions are compared with Constants, enforcing SSL encryption for data transmission between server and client by default.
  • Support for “With Validation” and “Without Validation” expressions has been added in operations like “Alter Table … Exchange Partition” and “Alter Table … Convert for … to”.
/Reports, release notes, official announcements.