Google to Add Cloud Execution of Classic Apps to Chrome OS

Google has announced the acquisition of the company Cameyo, which specializes in remote application work, specifically Virtual App Delivery technology. This technology enables the deployment of programs into a cloud environment provided by a third-party supplier, allowing them to be launched on their servers. The rationale behind this acquisition is to integrate Cameyo’s technologies into the Chrome OS ecosystem, enabling users to work with applications designed for various platforms. For instance, Chrome OS users will be able to run Windows-based applications, with support also available for launching Linux applications in the cloud.

Unlike traditional virtualization systems, Virtual App Delivery technology does not utilize local system resources, eliminating the need to run a full Windows environment in a virtual machine to access Windows applications. Instead, it operates through broadcasting and streaming, seamlessly integrating the cloud-launched applications with the user’s current environment. For Chrome OS users, this integration includes access to the local file system and clipboard for cloud applications, with input and output facilitated through a browser, delivering the virtual application as a Progressive Web App (PWA).

This cloud service environment hosts individual Windows or Linux applications in isolation, streamlining infrastructure management and providing users with the flexibility to access their applications from any device using a web browser.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.