An innovative project inspired by Frank Herbert’s Dune novels has come to life on the Hacksmith Industries YouTube channel. The concept of a distillation suit, famously portrayed in the Dune series where water is scarce and sacred, has been recreated by a group of dedicated individuals in a one-day assembly.
The distillation suit, as described in the novels, is a unique costume that captures and recirculates bodily fluids for survival in the desert. The team at Hacksmith Industries, known for their creative projects based on popular films, took on the challenge of bringing this fictional technology to reality.
The main goal of the project was to determine if it was possible to collect, filter, and process body fluids into drinking water in a practical way. The team focused on two main liquids – sweat and moisture from respiration – to create a functioning prototype of the distillation suit.
Using a waterproof suit as the base, the team installed a heat exchanger powered by a small Lipo battery on the back. This heat exchanger created a cold surface within the suit, causing moisture to condense and flow into a reception tank for collection. They also incorporated a one-time filter mask that allowed for inhaling fresh, filtered air while redirecting warm, moist air back into the suit to collect additional moisture.
The project, while more modest in scope compared to previous endeavors by the team, proved to be another exciting and innovative creation inspired by science fiction. To witness the full process of building the real Dune Still Suit, you can watch the video on the Hacksmith Industries YouTube channel here.