OWASP Dep-Scan: Open-Source Safety Audit Tool

OWASP Dependency-Scan (Owasp Dep-Scan) is an effective open source tool specifically created to assess the security and evaluate the risks of software projects. It scans the dependencies of the project, which includes external libraries and frameworks, and examines them for any known vulnerabilities, deviations from security recommendations, and breaches of licensing restrictions.

One of the major advantages of OWASP Dep-Scan is its versatility in handling various sources of input data. It supports local package repositories like Maven, NPM, Nuget, and others, and can also analyze container images, making it compatible with platforms for automated container creation, deployment, and management (ASPM/VM).

By seamlessly integrating with continuous integration and continuous delivery systems (CI/CD), OWASP DEP-Scan can be easily incorporated into software development processes. This helps in early detection and resolution of security issues, ultimately reducing the risks and costs associated with addressing vulnerabilities in the future.

Owasp Dep-Scan utilizes multiple data sources to gather information on vulnerabilities:

  • osv
  • nvd
  • github
  • npm
  • linux vuln-list (with the option –cache-zs)

The tool also considers recommendations for secure usage of libraries and frameworks, as well as ensures compliance with licensing restrictions, which holds significant importance for open source projects. Caroline Russell, a leading security engineer at Appleat, emphasizes the key functions of OWASP DEP-scan:

  • Wide compatibility with various programming languages and source code configurations.
  • Ability to export analysis results in different formats, including custom reports based on the Jinja pattern, JSON documents following CycloneDx Vulnerability Report (VDR), and Common Security Framework (CSAF) 2.0 standards.
  • Analysis of source code accessibility using the Appleat/Atom framework for generating code snippets to detect vulnerabilities related to misused safe APIs or lack of necessary input data inspections.
  • Thorough audit of packages for risks linked to dependency confusion and maintenance issues.

DEP-SCAN verifies the accuracy of project dependencies, examines their update history, and assesses developer support, enabling the timely identification of potential security threats.

OWASP DEP-scan is available for free on Github.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.