Most Common 4-Digit PIN Codes Pose Safety Risk

In the modern world, the importance of the PIN code is difficult to overestimate. It allows you to instantly gain access to a bank account, withdraw or put money. However, for hackers and thieves, this is one of the simplest ways to steal money. Therefore, the choice of unique and difficult to guess the PIN code is extremely important.

Some people, not wanting to remember complex combinations, use simple and easily guessed codes. But after all, PIN codes are used not only for bank cards, but also for blocking phones, safes, and cabinets. If the PIN code is easy to guess, these things are also at risk.

Recently, Analyst Nick Burry from Datagenetics conducted a full-scale study in which he analyzed digital passwords and determined the most common PIN codes.

The results showed that the most commonly used codes correspond to simple numerical sequences, which should be avoided to increase safety.

According to the study, the most common PIN code was “1234”, followed by repeating numbers like “7777”, “1111”, or “0000”. In general, the first dozen popular PIN codes include sequences like “1212”, “7777”, and “1004”.

Other combinations, such as those based on the year of birth, are also common and not recommended for security purposes. For example, “2000” and “2001” were among the top 20 frequent codes. Knowledge of these common PIN codes is useful but should be avoided for personal security.

Interestingly, the least used PIN code was 8068, only occurring 25 times in the analyzed data. Among the 20 least common codes, there were no discernible patterns, and none of them started with numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.

Analyst Nick Burry advises against using the least common codes and warns against using codes like “8068” as hackers may also be aware of these patterns. It is important to choose unique and complex combinations to increase security and to cover the PIN pad when entering the code in public.

It is crucial to choose a PIN code that is difficult to guess to protect personal information and financial assets. Avoiding common patterns and easy-to-guess codes can help prevent unauthorized access to accounts and devices.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.