Lockbit Ransomware Gang to Unveil New Details

Special services revived Lockbit’s captured site to announce new information disclosed by law enforcement agencies.

After a large-scale operation Kronos, law enforcement agencies closed Lockbit infrastructure and converted one of the leaks into the site for publications of press releases. Law enforcement officers on the site post information on the progress of the operation and how Lockbit cheated on their victims without deleting data after receiving a redemption.

Particular interest was caused by the announcement with the heading “Who is LockBitsupp?”, In which the disclosure of information about the manager of the operation was supposed. However, after several days of waiting, it was only written in the post: “We know who he is. We know where he lives. We know his condition. LockBitsupp began to cooperate with law enforcement agencies :)” Soon after, the site was closed, and many regarded this message as the failure of law enforcement agencies, since it did not reveal the expected information and allowed LockBitsupp to maintain anonymity.

BleepingComputer discovered that on May 5, the LockBit website was again launched, and 7 new posts were announced on it, which should appear today at 14:00 (UTC). Among the announced headlines: “What have we learned?”, “Lockbit more hackers,” “What did we do?”, As well as a post that many people hope to see as the final exposure of Lockbit’s activity – “Who is LockBitsipp?”. Now it is necessary to wait if the law enforcement agencies will reveal something significant about Lockbit’s head, or it will again be disappointed.

The new data leakage site Lockbit (May 6)

Since the operation, LockBit activity has decreased, many partners are afraid that the group is under close supervision. However, this does not mean that the threat from the group has disappeared, since destructive attacks are ongoing, and Lockbit still presents a risk to companies around the world. For example, in France, the Simona Weil Hospital (ChC-SV) in April collided with LockBit cyberataka, which led to a violation of the institution and forced the staff to switch to the use of records.

In addition, the LockBit 3.0 Mr. program was supposedly used by hackers from North Korea to attack the key distributor of alcohol and household appliances Systembolaget in Sweden, seriously violating the logistics of the

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.