After two months of development, Linus Torvalds presented the release of the nucleus linux 6.9 . Among the most noticeable changes: the DM-VDO module for diving and compressing block devices, direct access to files in Fuse, support for creating PIDFD for individual flows, BPF-tokens support, support for ARM64 systems, transfer of FS EXT2 to the category of obsolete, deletion Old NTFS driver, support for Intel Fred.

The new version adopted 15680 corrections from 2106 developers,
The size of the patch is 54 MB (the changes affected 11825 files, 687954 lines of code were added, 225344 lines were removed). In the last issue there was 15641 correction from 2018 developers, the size of the patch was 44 MB.
About 42% of all changes presented in 6.9 are related to devices drivers, approximately 17% of the changes are related to updating the code specific for hardware architectures, 13% are associated with network glass, 7% – with file systems and 4% with the internal nucleus subsystems.

main innovation In the nucleus 6.9:

  • disk subsystem, input/output and file systems
    • A new processor of improving on the basis of existing block devices to implement a virtual block device, It has the capabilities of repeating data, data compression, the exclusion of empty blocks and an increase in the size of the block device as necessary (Thin Provisioning). These opportunities are implemented at the level of the block device and do not depend on the file system used (for example, using DM-VDO, you can implement an automatic combination of duplicated data and storage of compressed form for any FS). The use of DM-VDO for physical storage facilities, up to 256TB, and the creation of logical volumes
/Reports, release notes, official announcements.