In a groundbreaking medical procedure, Richard Rick Slaiman, at the age of 62, became the first person in the world to receive a kidney from a genetically modified pig. The unique operation on xenotransplantation took place in March this year at a hospital in Massachusetts.

Surgeons faced a challenging task of transplanting an organ from a genetically distant donor and avoiding rejection. The pig underwent genetic modifications to reduce the risk of immune response from the recipient. It was hoped that the transplanted kidney would serve Slaiman for at least two years.

Despite the unfortunate outcome resulting in Slaiman’s death, doctors view the experiment as a significant step forward. It demonstrated the fundamental possibility of using xenogeneic organs in treating people and will aid in the advancement of the field of xenotransplantology. With hundreds of thousands in the US alone awaiting transplants, animals could potentially save many lives.

The transplant team at the hospital extended their deepest condolences to the Slaiman family, emphasizing that there is no evidence linking his death to the organ transplant.

Slaiman made history as the first living person to undergo such a procedure. Previous pig organ transplants were limited to brain-dead donors on a temporary basis. Two individuals who received heart transplants from pigs unfortunately passed away within a few months post-operation.

In 2018, Slaiman had a kidney transplant, but complications led him back to dialysis last year. Following further health issues, doctors suggested a pork kidney transplant. The patient’s family expressed gratitude for the additional time spent with Rick, made possible by the doctors’ efforts.

Slaiman agreed to the operation with the hope of contributing to the thousands in need of life-saving transplants. His goal was achieved, and his spirit of hope and optimism will endure. The results of this pioneering operation will be invaluable to the medical community in advancing xenotransplantation.

Xenotransplantation involves the transfer of cells, tissues, or organs from animals to humans. Pigs, whose organs have been modified to closely resemble human organs, have been increasingly used in recent years.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.