A groundbreaking collaboration between scientists from the University of Chicago and Fermilab has embarked on a pioneering study of dark photons utilizing cutting-edge technology known as coaxial plate antenna. This collaborative effort aims to uncover traces of dark matter, a mysterious substance believed to make up 80% of all matter in the universe. Dark matter is elusive, as it neither emits, reflects, nor absorbs light, rendering it invisible to conventional detection methods.
The innovative technique outlined in the prestigious journal Physical Review Letters proposes that dark photons and axions, potential candidates for dark matter particles, can transform into photons upon interacting with a metal wall. Subsequently, this process focuses the light at a specific point to facilitate detection.
Lead researcher Stefan Mest reported that during the initial experiment conducted in the summer of 2023, data on the antenna’s thermal noise and amplification noise were meticulously gathered. Researchers meticulously combed through the data, scouring for minute excesses that could indicate the presence of dark photons. While no significant signals were recorded in the first experiment, the method’s sensitivity surpassed previous techniques by an impressive 10,000 times, especially for photons within the mass range of 44 to 52 microelectron volts.
The scientific team is currently conducting experiments at the 4 Tesla magnet in the National Laboratory of Argonne to enhance the installation’s sensitivity in the search for axion-like dark matter. They stress that their ultimate objective is to establish an extensive experimental program capable of investigating the most plausible axion models.
Furthermore, the Bread collaboration is actively developing innovative prototypes that integrate their pioneering concept with advanced quantum technologies to detect individual light particles. Excitingly, Fermilab anticipates the imminent acquisition of a more potent magnet, which is poised to dramatically boost experiment sensitivity and bring scientists closer to unraveling the mysteries of dark matter.