An unknown hacker has put up for sale an exploit that allows access to customer purchase information from over 100 major companies, including Apple, HP, Huawei, Samsung, Lenovo, and Dell. The data being sold includes account and delivery addresses, serial numbers, company names, account numbers, phone numbers, and tracking numbers.

The hacker made the announcement on a forum in the Darknet, claiming that a specially created tool was used to download daily data on 500-5000 orders placed within the past 12 hours. The package being sold includes the downloaded data, the exploit used for hacking, and the Python-Bota code. This is the first time the hacker has offered such data for sale, with an initial asking price of $14500 and room for negotiation.

For an additional $3000, the cybercriminal is offering to demonstrate the vulnerability that was exploited to obtain information about orders. This sale highlights the ongoing threat posed by hackers who are able to access sensitive customer data from major corporations.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.