After years of uncertainty, the National Aeronautics and Space Research Directorate, known as NASA, continues to push forward with various projects focused on scientific discovery, aeronautics, astronautics, planetary research, space technologies, and education. Some of NASA’s most notable missions include Apollo, which successfully landed the first humans on the moon, Voyager, which provided valuable insights into the outer planets of the solar system, Hubble, known for its groundbreaking images of distant galaxies, and the International Space Station (ISS), a collaborative international orbital laboratory.
In addition to its independent missions, NASA also partners with other space agencies around the world, including the European Space Agency (ESA), Roscosmos, the Chinese National Space Administration (CNSA), and others. By collaborating with these agencies, NASA works towards its ultimate goal of expanding humanity’s knowledge of the Universe and leveraging this information for the betterment of mankind.