Matthew Kosarek from Canonical presented the second release of the composite manager miracle-wm using the Wayland protocol and components to build composite managers mir. Miracle-WM supports the mosaic (tiling) layout of windows in the style of the window manager i3 and the user environment Sway. As a panel, waybar can be used. The project code is written in C++ and spreads under the GPLV3 license. Ready assemblies are format in the format snap.
The purpose of the project is to create a composite server that uses mosaic windows control, but more functional and stylish than such projects as swayfx. It is assumed that Miracle-WM can be useful to users who prefer a mosaic layout, but want to learn visual effects and a brighter graphic design with smooth transitions and colors. To install Miracle-WM, you can use the command “SUDO SNAP Install Miracle-WM-Classic”.
If the first issue was considered as an initial prototype, then version 0.2 is focused on stabilization and increasing the convenience of work. Among the changes in version 0.2:
- Added a manager of floating windows, allowing to place individual windows over a mosaic grid by analogy with the windows of traditional window managers.
- Ensured the possibility of fixing windows to a certain place on the desktop.
- Provides the possibility of automatically using