Nginx has formed the main branch nginx 1.25.5, in which the development of new opportunities continues. In a parallel supported stable branch 1.24.x, only changes are made associated with the elimination of serious errors and vulnerabilities. In the future, a stable branch will be formed on the basis of the main branch of 1.25.x 1.26. The project code is written in the language of SI and spreads under the license BSD.
Among changes:
- In the module stream Support for virtual servers, the configuration of which is determined in the block “Server {… } “Using the directive of Server_name. Server {Server_name ~^(www .)? (.+) $; Proxy_pass www. $ 2: 12345; }
- Added a new module ngx_pass_module designed to spray the adopted compounds directly to any listening socket associated with such Modules like HTTP, Stream and Mail. Stream {Server {Listen 12345 SSL; SSL_CERTICATE DOMAIN.CRT; SSL_CERTICATE_KEY DOMAIN.KEY; Pass; }}
- In the directive listen the stream module implemented the parameters “Deferd” (includes the delayed aciscept), “Accept_Filter” (filter of incoming connections used before calling the ACCEPT function) and “setfib” (task of the routing table).
- For some architectures, support for determining the size of the block (Cache Line) used to transmit data between the CPU cache and memory.
- On Apple Silicon systems added package manager Homebrew.
- Scheduled problems for Windows.
- The error has been eliminated to close the connections when using the 0 -rtt mode in the Protocol QUIC.
/Reports, release notes, official announcements.