In an ambitious project, an attempt to re-implement the Palmos operating system used in Palm communicators has been undertaken by the Pumpkinos team. This project aims to enable users to launch applications created for Palmos directly, without the need for the Palmos emulator or the original firmware with Palmos. Additionally, applications designed for the M68K architecture can now be launched on systems with X86 and ARM processors. The project’s code is written in SI language and is distributed under the licenses of gplv3.
Not only does the application for launching applications support Linux and Windows environments, but it can also be compiled into a self-contained operating system. This OS is based on the Linux kernel and the BusyBox package. A graphical user interface is included for easy navigation between available applications. The initial release includes four essential applications, with their code adapted from the Palmos SDK: Address Book, Todo Management System, Memopad text editor, and a calendar function.