Issue Samba 4.20.0

After 6 months of development, a new release of Windows Samba, a multifunctional server product that provides file seal service and winbind server implementation, has been presented. Key changes in Samba 4.20 include:

  • By default, the new Wspsearch utility with an experimental client for the Windows Search Protocol (WSP) protocol is enabled. This utility allows users to send search queries to a Windows server running the WSP service.
  • The SmbCacls team now supports the recording of access control lists (dacl) to the file and the recovery of DACL from the file. Data is stored in a format supported by the Windows utility ‘icacls.exe’, ensuring compatibility for files with stored DACL.
  • Extensions for centralized access policies Active Directory (Claims), Authentication Policies, and containers Politician (authentication silos) have been added. Samba-Tool can now bind user claims for use in access rules within authentication policy frameworks.
  • Samba-Tool utility can now be used to create authentication and management policies, as well as create and manage Containers Political. This allows users to determine where and how users can connect, specify services for authentication, and manage user authentication permissions.
  • In Active Directory domains, Authentication Policies and Containers Politician (Authentication Silos) created through Samba-TOOL utility or imported from Microsoft AD configurations are now supported in Samba. This feature is available on systems with Active Directory functional level of at least 2012_R2.
/Reports, release notes, official announcements.