NTC IT Rosa has released a corrective release of a freely distributed and developed with the participation of the Rosa Fresh 12.5 distribution community, built on the Rosa2021.1 platform. For free loading, assemblies designed for the X86_64 platform are prepared in options with KDE Plasma 5, Gnome, XFCE, LXQT and without GUI. Users who have already installed the Rosa Fresh 12 distribution will receive an update automatically.

The main changes:

  • The package base is updated. The Linux kernel is updated to version 6.6 (previously delivered branches 5.10, 5.15, and 6.1 continue to be supported).
  • Updated firmware and drivers for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.
  • Added proprietary drivers for video cards NVIDIA 550 (branches 340, 390, and 470 continue to be available).
  • A new version of the Rosa update indicator indicated, which supports various options for restricting access to the installation of updates – a request for an administrator password, password request only for users and without password.
  • In the installer, an auto distribution is established when installing on encrypted disks, TPM2 technology for storing encryption passwords in energy-dependent memory (LUKSUNLOCK/LUKSLOCK commands) is supported.
  • The possibility of printing and scanning without preliminary installation of drivers for printers with support for the IPP EVERWHERE protocol and scanners with support for the WSD protocol. The ability is implemented using IPP-USB and Sane-Airscan packages.
  • Added Support for SCONFIGS-*packages with advanced security settings and system audit.
  • Offer QMOO utility for the rapid launch of ISO images in the qemu emulator.
  • Versions components of user environment: KDE Frameworks 5.112.0, KDE Plasma 5.27.10, KDE Applications 23.08.04, QT 5.15.10, GTK 4.7.2, Gnome 42, Firefox 124.0.1, Chromium 122, LibreOffice 7.6.5, xfce 4.16, lxqt 1.4.

kde: link


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